One Year Anniversary-WordPress

As I woke up today ,I got a notification from WordPress telling me that I’ve successfully completed ONE year of blogging.This made my day. 😀

I know that for the past few months I’ve not been active on WordPress because of my hectic schedule ,and for that I’m really sorry. 😦 Engineering is driving me crazy. 😛

I thought it would be nice to share with all of you as to how I actually joined WordPress.

So about a year ago,at this very time I was busy preparing for my internal exams.I was very frustrated after studying all day and was writing a poem to relieve the stress I was going through.After I was done ,I showed it to my roommate who suggested that I start blogging on WordPress.It was just a random thought.It’s amazing when I sit back and think about how a fleeting moment can have such a huge impact on my life.

At that very moment I felt like this was something that I was meant to do.Something that defined me. Immediately I opened WordPress and registered.

I’ve come a long way since then and read some amazing posts here.I’ve learnt a lot which has impacted my style of writing,making it better than before.It wouldn’t be possible without all you guys out there.I know we might never really meet in real life,or even get to know each other but I want you all to know that I’m very thankful to God for this wonderful family of WordPress, that I’ve come to know.Your support and appreciation of my work means a lot to me.  😀

Lots of love to you all ❤ ❤ ❤


Wish I could turn back time

rewind a few years back.

The time I got my first walkman

Rewind,Stop and Play.

Back to the time when

playing was all that was on my mind.

Carefree,riding on my red bike

into the calm evening.

It’s weird how fast things change.

How soon you grow up.

I realise that I’m too big

for daddy’s shoulders.

I’ve outgrown those silly games

that I played over and over.

I can’t make mistakes

and still look cute.

Reminiscence is all that’s left of them.

It’s my only way to travel back in time.