Three moments I’ll never forget!

Daily Prompt: Moments to Remember

Three most memorable moments in my life….

1.When I got my 10th grade award for Academic Excellence( 9.8 GPA )on stage by the Indian Ambassador to K.S.A.My parents were in the audience and they were proud of me.I don’t think anything can beat that feeling.

2.When I got 1st place in the entire 5th grade for an elocution competition in school.My dad’s efforts to prepare me for for weeks, paid off.  🙂

 The same year I won 1st place in an elocution competition in konkani.I’ll always remember this because the prize I got was my very first Cassette Walkman! 

3.When I got a mail from my college saying that I got a seat!For weeks I had gone through the disappointment of not getting a positive reply from any of the colleges I’d applied to.I was determined that I wouldn’t take a management seat.I wanted to get in on my merit.When the call finally came,It was beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.I was literally  jumping around the house with joy.

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