Undying Love

Hey guys!I’m super excited to post this as it is a result of a collab with one of my favorite people at wordpress.Do check out her site lifeconfusions.wordpress.com ,it has some pretty amazing stuff.Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing. 🙂
Much love,
Jess ❤

Hours away stuck at a desk,
There was a man in his best tux and a laptop sitting in front.
His heart wandered where his being couldn’t.
Somewhere oceans and shores away,
His soul searched for a woman it craved.
His fingers typed huge lines of code all day,
while his mind traversed memories,
Spanning across years they’d spent together.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee,
And her face illuminated by the morning sun.
Everything was perfect in the land they lived once.

A kiss upon his cheek and her smile as she pulled away,
Was all he needed to get through another day.
His comfort lay in the sound of her laughter, as she lay in his arms.

The walks in the park,
Laying on the grassy fields,
Watching the sun sets
And gazing upon the sea,
Counting stars in the night sky,
Hand in hand they walked through life.

One fateful day that letter arrived,
The one that took her so far away.
She was ready to give up her dream for him,
But he wouldn’t let her no matter what.

His heart was breaking in million pieces all at once,
While hers didn’t know how to beat without him.

So they told themselves they just weren’t meant to be,
That it wasn’t the right time, right place to be.
Maybe in another time,at another place
their stars would align perfectly.

And that’s how their story ended,
Before it could even began.
But could love ever end?

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