Let me be ‘ME’

Its someone from deep within

There’s somebody else under my skin.

Struggling to come free

Out of the chains, its bonded to

Out of the person it was forced to be

I don’t know why

But its been like this for a while now.

Someone else I’ve tried to be

To gain power, attention

I cannot comprehend so easily

When I look in the mirror,

I see a different person staring back at me.

Someone whom I don’t recognize

But somehow feel connected to

What is it that I’m trying to do?

Destroying myself, instead of coming out of that shell

But I won’t hesitate anymore

To be ME

There is need for change and it cannot wait

My life is moving ahead,

Faster than I expected.

I’ve got to get a hold

On the things that define ME,

Before its lost completely.

For no one, but myself

I must change

To run free in this wide world

So that I can be the person

That was all along, within ME.


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